The sooner we reconnect with food and the people who produce it, the better we will understand why transforming what we eat is the great challenge of our times.
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The video highlights the main objectives and initiatives of a program created to improve the agri-food system in the province of Barcelona.
The audiovisual highlights the main objectives and actions of a project born to improve the agri-food systems of the province.
A guide to help local entities in establishing land banks and other tools that can provide support for agricultural and livestock entrepreneurship.
Staying informed is crucial, but conducting research allows us to identify our shortcomings and strengths.
Explore these data and reflect on the reality of the prevailing agri-food model.
Agricultural parks
Discover the agricultural parks in Barcelona's province, with information on their extent and the municipalities that are part of them.
Source: Own preparation with data from the limits of the agricultural parks
Land recovery potential
It identifies the agricultural land that is currently abandoned or disused in the Barcelona regions.
Source: 1956 land cover map, SIGPAC, MUC and PEIN
Change of land use
Do you know how land use has changed in the demarcation of Barcelona since the 1950s? Find out in this detailed analysis.
Source: 1956 Land Cover Map and 2018 ICGC Land Cover Map
Viewer of historical orthophotos
The visualization of orthophotos captured at province in Barcelona allows to identify the areas where there are forests, pastures and crops and to study their evolution in various periods.
Source: Own elaboration with ICGC orthophotos (1945-2022)

The future doesn't just arrive; sometimes, it's invented!
Learn about all the tools and resources available so that we can enjoy a safer, healthier, tastier and more sustainable food system in Barcelona.
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